Models for International Collaboration, Invited talk at USA-Russia University Rectors meeting, Association of American Universities and Eureka Foundation, College Park, MD, April, 2011.
Partnerships for International Research and Education, Invited talk, The Entrepreneurial University – Accelerating Social and Economic Innovation, University of California Washington DC campus, April, 2011.
Embassy Science Fellow’s View on the US-Russia Collaboration, Invited talk at the National Academy of Sciences meeting, U.S.-Russia Bioengagement, Past, Present, and Future, January, 2011.
Models and opportunities in sustainability of large research and education projects, Invited lecture at Round Table Discussion Thomas Young Centre, the London Centre for Theory and Simulation of Materials, University College London, November, 2009.
Are we there yet? Innovation Opportunities at NSF, Invited talk at the Nebraska Research and Innovation Conference, October, 2008.
Trends and Challenges in Integrated Research and Education, Invited Seminar at the “New Models in Shock Physics Meeting,” Estoril, Portugal, May, 2008.
The NSF MRSEC and PREM programs in 2008, Invited lecture at Research and Education in Material Science Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting, New Orleans, April, 2008.
The NSF Materials Research and Engineering Centers (MRSEC): NSF prospective on international collaboration, Invited presentation at London Center for Nanotechnology, University College London, London, UK, October, 2007.
Strategic Planning for a successful NSF Materials Research and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) proposal, Invited presentation at EPSCoR Research Theme Forum: Strategies for Building Center-Level Research Themes at The University, State, and Regional Level, Washington, D.C., June, 2007.
The NSF Materials Research and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) program, Invited presentation at Federal Interagency Chemistry Representatives Meeting Research Centers: Their Role, Value, and Impact on Individual Investigator Programs, Arlington, VA, March, 2007.
Overview of the DMR MRSEC program and how to write a successful MRSEC proposal, Invited seminar, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, September 2006.
Overview of NSF/MPS funding opportunities, the DMR MRSEC program and how to write a successful MRSEC proposal: specifics of a minority serving institution, Invited seminar CCNY, New York, September 2006.
How to get funding for traditionally not funded research, Workshop at APS SCCM meeting, Baltimore, June 2006.
Overview of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate and Division of Materials Research activities, Invited lecture at NSF day at Norfolk State University, HBCU Workshop, January 5, 2005, Norfolk, VA.
Opportunities for International Cooperation in Mathematical and Physical Sciences: NSF perspective, Invited talk at the meeting of International advisory board for CMOS consortia, (UCL, London, UG, Glasgow, NASA), UCL, London, March, 2005.
Selected Invited Scientific Presentations
M.M.Kukla, The Structural Disorder and Lattice Stability of BSCF/LSCF Complex Perovskites. Lessons learned from ab initio modeling, Invited talk at the Maier Department, Max Planck Institute for Solid State, Stuttgart, Germany, October 2, 2012.
M.M.Kukla, Is Theoretical Design of Materials Feasible? Insight from Quantum-Chemical Modeling, Invited talk at New York University, Chemistry Department, October 5, 2012.
E. A. Kotomin, R. Merkle, Yu. A. Mastrikov, M.M. Kuklja, D. Fuks, J. Maier, First Principles Calculations of defects in ABO3 Perovskites: Applications for Oxygen Permeation Membranes and SOFC Cathodes, Symposium C: Functional Perovskites, E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September, 2012.
M.M. Kuklja, Yu. A. Mastrikov, B. Jansang, and E. Kotomin, First principles calculations of (Ba,Sr)(Co,Fe)O3 structural stability, Symposium C MATERIALS FOR ENERGY, Solid State Ionics: Mass and Charge Transport across and along Interfaces of Functional Materials, E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, May, 2012.
M.M.Kukla, Ab initio Modeling of Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Invited talk at University of Maryland Energy Research Center, University of Maryland, June, 2011.
E.A. Kotomin, Yu. Mastrikov, R. Merkle, M.M. Kuklja, J. Maier, First-principles calculations of oxygen vacancy formation and migration energies in mixed conducting BSCF perovskites, Invited talk at the 9th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT-9), Riga, Latvia, June, 2010.
Maija M. Kukla, Ab initio view on Mechanochemistry, Invited lecture at Guy Fawkes Soiree: Extreme Conditions, The Thomas Young Centre, London Centre for Theory and Simulation of Materials, London, UK, November, 2009.
Maija M. Kukla, Shear-strain Triggered Chemistry in Molecular Materials, Invited lecture at Physics Department, King’s College London, London, UK, November, 2009.
Maija M. Kuklja, Compression and Shear-strain Induced Processes in Energetic Molecular Crystals, Invited lecture at “The Changing Face of Chemistry in the 21st Century,”
42nd Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Las Vegas, NV, September 2008.
Maija M. Kuklja, Mechanisms of Initiation of Detonation at Micro-scale, Invited Lecture at discussion section, Discussion Leader, New Models and Hydrocodes for Shock Wave Processes in Condensed Matter, Lisbon, Portugal, May, 2008.
Maija M. Kuklja, Force Fields – ReaxFF, AIREBO, and nonreactive force fields, Discussion leader, ARO MURI Insensitive Munitions Workshop, UNLV, Las Vegas, NV, February, 2008.
Maija M. Kuklja, Modeling Energetic Materials: from molecules to complexity, Invited lecture at distinguished lecture series, Yeshiva University, New York, NY, November, 2007.
Maija M. Kuklja, Energetic materials by design: from molecules to complexity, Invited lecture at Accelrys, Inc., Cambridge, UK, October, 2007.
Maija M. Kuklja, Ab initio study of shear-strain induced chemistry in energetic materials, Invited talk at Work In Progress seminar series, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, February, 2007.
Maija M. Kuklja, Towards energetic materials by design: Ab initio study of organic molecular crystals, Invited lecture for Materials Science and Engineering Department Distinguished Speaker Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, January, 2007.
Maija M. Kuklja, Defect-induced phenomena in energetic molecular crystals, Invited seminar, University College London, London, UK, September, 2006.
Maija M. Kuklja, Shear-triggered decomposition in energetic materials: ab initio study, Invited seminar within Physics Distinguished Speaker Colloquium, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, September, 2006./li>
Maija M. Kuklja, Defect-induced phenomena in energetic molecular crystals, Invited seminar, Materials Research Laboratory, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, September, 2005.
Maija M. Kuklja, An effect of defects on electronic structure and chemical reactivity of energetic crystals, Invited presentation at ARO MURI workshop/kick off meeting, Caltech, Pasadena, CA-NSF, Arlington, VA, July 2005.