Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland, Bldg. 090
College Park, MD 20742-2115, USA
Phone: +1-530-219-5275
Legal status: U.S. Permanent Resident
- 1997-2003 Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). GPA=3.953/4.
- 1994-1996 M.S., Theoretical Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (MIPT).
- 1990-1994 B.S., Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
- 2003 Option in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), UIUC.
- 1996 Certificate in Theoretical Physics, Training Center at JINR, Dubna, Russia.
- 03/2009-current
Research Associate, Materials Science & Engineering, U. of Maryland.
- 08/2008-02/2009
Research Engineer, Robert Bosch Research Center, Cambridge, MA.
- 06/2007-06/2008
Research Scholar, Computer Science, University of California, Davis.
- 07/2003-06/2007
Research Associate (Postdoc), Materials Science & Engineering, UIUC.
- 06/1998-06/2003
Research Assistant (doctorate), Physics Department, UIUC.
- 08/1997-06/1998
Teaching Assistant, Physics Department, UIUC.
- 07/1996-08/1997
Research Scientist, BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Russia.
- 01/1995-06/1996
Research Assistant (graduate), Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna.
- 10/1993-12/1994
Research Assistant (undergraduate), Alikhanov Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), State Scientific Center, Moscow.
- 01/1991-06/1996
Teacher of Physics and Mathematics, Correspondence School of Physics and Technology at MIPT, Moscow.
- Principal Investigator (PI): grant “Quantum Monte Carlo for Strongly Correlated Systems” from National Science Foundation (NSF) at TeraGrid: 2008–2009.
- PI: grant DMR060017N “Materials for High-capacity Hydrogen Storage” from NSF at National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA): 2006–2007.
- 2 Student conference travel grants from UIUC: 2001 and 2002.
- Travel grant from Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI), 2001.
- 2 Soros student fellowships: 1994-95 and 1996.
- 7 Certificates of Appreciation, Illinois Junior Academy of Science: 2001 – 2007.
- Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 2001.
- Red Diploma, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1996.
- Silver medal for the 2nd place in the USA Open Competition in Brain Ring (1998).
- Winner of the USSR Physics Olympiads: 1st (1988), 2nd (1989), and 1st (1990):
Implied ranking is 1st among 293,047,571 people.
- Editor, Central European Journal of Physics.
- Referee for scientific journals: Physical Review A-B, Physical Review Letters.
- Organizer of Science Olympiads for schoolchildren from high and middle schools:
- Materials Science section of Illinois Science Olympiad in 2001-2007.
- Bottle Rockets section of Illinois Science Olympiad (USA) in 2000.
- MIPT winter Olympiads in Physics and Mathematics in 1992-1996.
- Moscow Regional Physics Olympiad, Khimki, Moscow Region, 1991.
- Organizer of the Summer School on Computational Materials Science in 2005.
- Thermodynamic Toolkit (TTK) for parallel multi-scale computations.
- Monte Carlo program for predicting alloy thermodynamics.
- CAMAC branch interface for the 3-meter magnetic spectrometer at the ITEP synchrotron.
- Ab Initio Database of Atomistics (AIDA) at BOSCH.
- The Structural Database:
C++ and Fortran were used for my research codes. I use MPI and openMP for parallelization. For scripting I usually use csh and Python. I am familiar with Perl and Java. I have implemented the structural database in SQL using Oracle Database on Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS. For the web interface, I use HTML and XML. I use PowerPoint for presentations. I write articles using LaTeX and Word.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Predicting Enthalpies of Molecular Substances: Application to LiBH4,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 040602 (2008).
- N.A. Zarkevich, Teck L. Tan, L.-L. Wang, and D.D. Johnson, “Low-energy antiphase boundaries, degenerate superstructures, and phase stability in frustrated fcc Ising model and Ag-Au alloys,” Phys. Rev. B 77, 144208 (2008).
- B. Dai, R.B. Rankin, J.K. Johnson, M.D. Allendorf, D.S. Sholl, N.A. Zarkevich, and D.D. Johnson, “Influence of Surface Reactions on Complex Hydride Reversibility,” J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 18270 (2008).
- N.A. Zarkevich, Teck L. Tan, D.D. Johnson, “First-principles prediction of phase-segregating alloy phase diagrams and a rapid design estimate of their transition temperatures,” Phys. Rev. B 75, 104203 (2007).
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, Comment on “Structural Stability of Complex Hydrides: LiBH4 Revisited,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 119601 (2006).
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Structural Database for reducing cost in materials design and complexity of multi-scale computations,” Complexity 11, 36 (2006).
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Energy scaling and surface patterning of halogen-terminated Si(001) surfaces,” Surface Science 591, L291-L298 (2005).
- G.J. Xu, N.A. Zarkevich, A. Agrawal, A.W. Signor, D.D. Johnson, and J.H. Weaver, “Cross-over energetics of halogenated Si(100):Vacancy line defects, dimer vacancy lines, and atom vacancy lines,” Phys. Rev. B 71, 115332 (2005).
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Reliable Alloy Thermodynamics from Truncated Cluster Expansions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 255702 (2004).
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Predicted hcp Ag-Al metastable phase diagram, equilibrium ground states, and precipitate structure,” Phys. Rev. B 67, 064104 (2003).
- N.A. Zarkevich, D.D. Johnson, and A.V. Smirnov, “Structure and stability of hcp bulk and nano-precipitated Ag2Al,” Acta Materialia 50, 2443-2459 (2002).
- V.N. Pervushin and N.A. Zarkevich, “Hamiltonian Reduction for spherically-symmetric gravity,” in Symmetry methods in Physics, edited by A.N. Sissakian and G.S. Pogosyan, p.38-42, Dubna, Russia (1996).
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, and A.I. Khanov, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on PCs and Particle Accelerator Control, Tsukuba, Japan (1999).
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, and A.I. Khanov, in Proceedings of DESY International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls, DESY, Germany (1996).
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, and A.I. Khanov, “A Simple IBM PC/AT Memory-mapped CAMAC Branch Interface,” in Proceedings of the International Conference RDT’94, Dubna, Russia (1994).
- N.A. Zarkevich, “First-principles prediction of thermodynamics and ordering in metallic alloys,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Construction of a reduced physical Hamiltonian for spherically symmetric gravity,” Diploma thesis, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1996.
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, A.I. Khanov, “A Simple IBM PC/AT Memory-mapped CAMAC Interface, ITEP preprint #39-94, Moscow, 1994.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Prediction of Materials Properties and Design of Advanced Materials by Multi-Disciplinary Research,” IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, December 15, 2008.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Electronic structure engineering and multi-scale modeling,” Physics Department, University of California, Davis, California, May 23, 2008.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Combining Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo methods with Density Functional Theory for Electronic Structure Engineering and Thermodynamic Modeling,” Bosch Research Center, Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, California, May 19, 2008.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo: Theory and Implementation,” Physics Department, University of California, Davis, July 6, 2007.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Predicting Thermodynamics: Applications to Alloys, Silicon Surface, and Hydrogen Storage,” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, February 16, 2007.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Improving Accuracy of Thermodynamics Predicted from Multi-scale Methods by Global Data Integration,” 2005 Summer School on Computational Materials Science, Urbana, Illinois, June 20, 2005.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Multi-scale computational toolkit for multi-component alloys: development, implementation, and applications,” MSE, UIUC, January 29, 2004.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “Spherically symmetric black holes in Hamiltonian approach,” Bogoliubov Seminar, BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Russia, June 2, 1995.
- N.A. Zarkevich, Zhaojun Bai, Sergey Savrasov, Richard Scalettar, Mark Jarrell, “Interfacing Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo and Density Functional Theory,” Session X13.0007: Quantum Monte Carlo Methods and Strongly Correlated Systems, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 14, 2008.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Complex Hydrides” (poster), DOE Metal Hydride Center of Excellence, May 9, 2007.
- N.A. Zarkevich, D.D. Johnson, “Enthalpy of molecular solids beyond harmonic approxi-mation: application to hydrogen storage,” APS March Meeting, Denver, March 8, 2007.
- Teck L. Tan, N.A. Zarkevich, and D.D. Johnson, “Rapid first-principles design estimates of alloy order-disorder temperatures,” APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 7, 2007.
- D.D. Johnson, Teck Tan, and N.A. Zarkevich, “Reliable First-Principles Prediction of Alloy Thermodynamic Characterization Data via Cluster Expansion Methods,” TMS2007 136th Annual Meeting: Linking Science and Technology for Global Solutions, Session “Computational Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations: First Principles and Atomistic Calculations of Phase and Alloy Thermodynamics II,” Orlando, Florida, February 26, 2007.
- D.D. Johnson and N.A. Zarkevich, “Predicted accurate thermodynamic properties of reversible hydrogen-storage destabilized metal hydrides and their proper comparison to experiment,” MH2006 International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, O-059, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, October 3, 2006.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “First-Principles Calculations of van’t Hoff Plots for Novel Hydrogen Storage Materials,” APS March Meeting, Baltimore, March 15, 2006.
- Teck L. Tan, N.A. Zarkevich, and D.D. Johnson, “Computational Toolkit for First-Principles Multi-component Alloy Thermodynamics” (poster), APS March Meeting, March 14, 2006.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “The Structural Database” (poster), APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13, 2006.
- N.A. Zarkevich, D.D. Johnson, G.J. Agrawal, A.W. Signor, B.R. Trenhaile, J.H. Weaver, “Crossover Energetics for Halogenated Si(001): Vacancy Line Defects, Atom and Dimer Vacancy Lines” (poster), DOE review, Materials Research Laboratory, Urbana, IL, 2005.
- D.D. Johnson, N.A. Zarkevich, D. Finkenstadt, “Reliable First-Principles Alloy Thermo-dynamics for Predicting and Understanding Characterization Data,” TMS conference: Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2005, Computer Simulation of Phase Transformations Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, May 29 – June 3, 2005.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “How Information Integration and Data Mining can reduce Computational Complexity in Materials World,” Understanding Complex Systems Symposium: Computational Complexity and Bioinformatics, Urbana, IL, May 17, 2005.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Optimal Cluster Expansions: Predicting Alloy Thermodynamics with Desired Accuracy,” APS March Meeting, CA, March 24, 2005.
- D.D. Johnson and N.A. Zarkevich, “Energy scaling and surface patterning of halogen-terminated Si(001) surfaces,” APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 23, 2005.
- Subhradip Ghosh, Daniel Roberts, Dominic Biava, Nikolai Zarkevich, and D.D. Johnson, “Ordering in multi-component alloys: where do the atoms go and why?” (poster), NSF Division of Materials Research ITR Computational Workshop, Urbana, June 18, 2004.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Accurate Estimate of Order-Disorder Transition Temperatures in Alloys,” APS March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22, 2004.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Reliable First-Principles Prediction of Alloy Thermodynamics” (poster), Department of Energy review, Materials Research Laboratory, Urbana, Illinois, 2003.
- N.A. Zarkevich, “First-principles prediction of thermodynamics and ordering in complex alloys,” Understanding Complex Systems Symposium, Urbana, Illinois, May 21, 2003.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Reliability of first-principles thermodynamics based on truncated cluster expansions,” APS March Meeting, Austin, Texas, March 6, 2003.
- N.A. Zarkevich and D.D. Johnson, “Thermodynamic and structural properties of hcp bulk and nano-precipitated Ag-Al,” APS March Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, March 18, 2002.
- N.A. Zarkevich, D.D. Johnson, R. Hyland, M.D. Asta, “Stability and structure of hcp-based bulk and nano-phase Ag2Al” (poster), Materials Research Laboratory, Urbana, 2001.
- N.A. Zarkevich, D.D. Johnson, and A.V. Smirnov, “Chemical Order of hcp Ag2Al: resolving the discrepancy between X-ray and TEM data,” APS March Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 12, 2001.
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, and A.I. Khanov, The second workshop on PCs and Particle Accelerator Control (PCaPAC’99), Tsukuba, Japan, 12-15 January, 1999.
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, and A.I. Khanov, DESY International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC), DESY, Germany, September 25, 1996.
- N.A. Zarkevich, D.M. Mladenov, and V.N. Pervushin, “Hamiltonian description for spherically symmetric gravity with matter: gaugeless approach,” VIII Lobachevsky International Extended Seminar on Gravitational Energy and Gravitational Waves, Dubna, Russia, 1995.
- V.N. Pervushin and N.A. Zarkevich, “Hamiltonian Reduction for spherically-symmetric gravity,” VII International Conference on Symmetry methods in Physics, Dubna, Russia, July 10-16, 1995.
- Yu. A. Borodin, N.A. Zarkevich, V.V. Kulikov, M.A. Matsyuk, and A.I. Khanov,
“A Simple IBM PC/AT Memory-mapped CAMAC Branch Interface,” International Conference RDT’94, Dubna, Russia, 1994.